Get Excited About Winter

We did, when we workshopped it, to show the fun you can have with family and friends enjoying various winter activities and social events with exceptional Comfort Food. See the website for details, and to inspire you, take a look at this video of our daily benchtop.

It’s All So Easy!

A big part of your enjoyment comes from our ‘no fuss,’ but no compromise approach to the food. Everything is freshly house-made in small batches using prime ingredients and produce. Conveniently, all dishes are ‘ready to serve,’ or oven and stovetop ready. You also have the reassurance of chefs and owners Nikki, Kate, and Samantha Maskiell being ‘hands-on’ 7 days a week. Their knowledge and expertise are welcomed by customers and clients.

Winter Is Served

Winter at Tartine Gourmet is warm and welcoming, with an impressive selection of dishes and specialties to satisfy your cold weather cravings. See ‘Our Menus’ in the homepage index at the top of this page for choices.

Phone: 03 9822 8849
